May 6, 2024

When I was 10 years old growing up in Budapest, I saw a Hungarian woman win the 2000 Sydney Olympics in fencing.

I didn't like team sports, running or swimming at that age - the fully-clothed, elegant solo sport with ⚔️ seemed like a great fit.

I gave it a try.

I ended up fencing competitively for 8 years.

I loved the sport, but honestly, I mostly stayed for the company - the coaches and friends and competitors I was surrounded by.

I never made it to the Olympics, but I was good enough to fence next to Olympic champions and train under trainers who trained them.

That has become my benchmark for life.

I want to be good enough in things to be able to spend time with the best, to learn from the people who are better than me.

It has guided my career and passions, from advertising to tech, recruiting, coaching, teaching meditation and yoga, practicing improv theater and standup comedy.

I started to see the world through proximity.

If you can see it, you can be it.

Being near who you want to become is the best guide for career growth.

Doing (with / near the best) is the only way forward.

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