Jul 22, 2024

Good Monday morning America, I know you are pretending to be working hard, but couldn’t sleep well after the Sunday drop of the latest episode in TV AMERICA.

🔔 SPOILER ALERT 🔔 to all who have been in a cave right up until opening this email: we entered the finale of Season #46, which is also the start of Season #47.

The full moon in Capricorn yesterday has promised to bring challenging closures and something CRAZY EXCITING has happened: the current Blue King of the Throne is being written out of the show’s next season!!!!

The writers really want to make sure that we are happy and keep watching and Cable TV America *really* wants to make sure that we are watching so HERE’S HOW WE CAN BE MOST HELPFUL AND INVOLVED:

The central plot will of course again revolve around the power struggle for the Iron Throne of the Seven Kingdoms giving us interwoven storylines and sleepless nights involving noble families, political intrigue, war, and mythical creatures. BUT the writers are underpaid and got bored and Cable TV America needs to test better with Gen Z, so they are CROWDSOURCING finding the Rival King (or QUEEN if we want to be VERY PROGRESSIVE!!!)

He/She/They will likely need to be under 80 human years old - after all, the current King is being written out because he did not perform well at the latest audience testings, threatening precious Q4 advertising dollars. Seems like public interest in “geriatric care” is declining as “finding forever youth” is increasing. The RNC earlier this week has attested to that, Red King is ageless and so are the women around him floating in plastic and botox. It’s like the Comeback Special of The Apprentice.

No pressure, but we have EXACTLY ONE LUNAR CYCLE until the DNC on August 19th to match that RNC / Apprentice revenue potential projected out to 4 years.

The Full Moon in Aquarius will luckily descend over Chicago on this very day and for the first time since the city has ascended Bill Clinton to the Trone, we will get to know Rival Blue King (or QUEEN if we want to be VERY PROGRESSIVE!!!) who will get to fight Red King.

Our vote is SO IMPORTANT, but just a reminder that Red King has been testing *superb* well with the audience since the 80s. He is literally like the best of Raegen and Schwarzenegger combined, advertising dollarly speaking.

Could Taylor Swift consider running?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!


As you can see, Full Moons are POWERFUL!

I am starting to host Full Moon Circles and Founder Meditation & Dinner Series in my apartment in Noe Valley, San Francisco!

Reply here if you’re interested in joining!


For my spiritual contemplations, I found my new favorite church.

It has replaced my previously favorite church, Berghain in Berlin with my favorite Sunday mornings.

The Church of 8 Wheels is a beautiful actual church building on Fillmore Street, a brisk 45-minute walk from home. It houses Sunday ecstatic dances 10AM - 1:11PM, with people from seemingly all walks of life, including a toddler with his joyful parents. If that’s not the best advertisement for motherhood, I don’t know what is.

Movement remains my mental and physical medicine. I have found huge stairs in addition to the hills for long walks. Firas and I basically opened and closed a dance party at The Great Northern Friday night - the DJ was amazing, such incredible passion and energy that spread to everyone in the room. Just love the people who are passionate about what they do.


I am building MTIM - new Mindfully Transform Intelligence Methodology combining movement, breath, coaching, finance, business, AI, improvisation and the best of the best of what I have found in the self + work-improvement.

It’s gonna be AWESOME.

Currently testing one component of it: Walk The Talk Leadership Method. I am doing 100 free sessions. Contrary to popular rumors, I will not upsell you after - mostly because I don’t love b2c and you won’t be able to afford me after a short time, so I might as well just build relationships and give time that I currently have as a gift.

I am genuinely passionate about solving problems at a larger scale - and also there’s just way more money in b2b.

God Bless You and America! Remember, You can’t change what’s happening out in the world and on the Thrones, but you CAN 100% control how you react to it. May we recommend laughter and joy.

And lastly, ChatGPT weighs in on injections while I pray that steaming will work just as well. Now get back to work. Or sign someone up to Walk and Talk with me. ⬆️

There has been speculation and rumors about whether Melania Trump has had Botox or other cosmetic procedures, but she has not publicly confirmed any such treatments. Public figures often face scrutiny about their appearances, and while some choose to disclose their cosmetic procedures, others prefer to keep such details private. Without a direct statement from Melania Trump or credible evidence, it remains a matter of speculation.

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