Jul 23, 2024

I turned down and referred out two potential recruitment clients in the last weeks.

It was the first time I said no to work that is purely talent acquisition and not talent + business improvement focused. I could have found the time. I could always use more money.

But time is more valuable to me than money, because it is limited.In order to focus on some things, we have to actively not focus on others. I care deeply about my work and want to be fully present mentally and emotionally. I don’t work with clients if I am not able to do that.

I love recruiting, connecting people, LinkedIn is my favorite social media where I have recruited candidates, clients, my husband and friends from. But I need to spend some time on the post-acquisition side, talent-wise.

I chose HR as a career because I find both humans and their resources & relations(hips) fascinating.

I am particularly interested in the businesses and work that they are able to create. I am fascinated by how value is created and money is made.

I am passionate about upleveling human intelligence to take better advantage of and collaboration with artificial intelligence.

I would like to spend more time on learning and teaching how to work & live better - both individually and as teams.

And I of course need time for new improv and stand-up classes. πŸ˜‰

ps. please do reach out if you are hiring, I do love brainstorming and have a network of awesome referrals I can connect you with.

p.p.s. Check out Walk the Talk on my website and sign up in SF! You can also sign up for newsletters - I hear they are "hilarious and witty."

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