Apr 16, 2024

This might be THE most debated question in my industry.

Most recruiters give up & ghost, which is the one WRONG answer. 😫

It hurts feelings, relationships, trust, employer brands & beyond.

I used to overthink and worry so much about hurting people doing the wrong thing.

Then I put my coaching hat on...

**Here's what I learned & how we recruit for Bluevine and all future clients**

There is no "right" or "wrong" answer.

Only YOUR answer.

It is deeply personal and individual.

The best thing I can do as a coach first, recruiter second who cares deeply about how Mindfully Transform is representing candidates throughout the interview process is to ASK and EMPOWER.

I call everyone right before or after their final round.

These professionals are the best of the best, having gone through a thorough recruiter interview, hiring manager interview, team interview, meeting with C-Suite / senior leadership.

We talk about their experience throughout the process, candid feedback, offer timelines and the question in preparation of my *least favorite, but most essential* part of my job:

"We are both hoping for a job offer, but... if that is not the case... do you prefer I call or email you?" 🥺

~ 50 % says please call (I don't want to be looking at an email all day!)

~ 50 % says please email (I associate calls with positive news, don't ruin that!)

Both are SO VALID.

Our job as recruiters is not to make decisions for people, but to connect, empower and support.

Interviews are a learning, networking and growth opportunity.

The results are out of our hands.

Lets make the best of the journey.

We are all adults.

Ask and listen.

Thank you Cheryl Pieterse for caring so much about the candidate experience and rolling this out beyond marketing. ❤️💫

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