Jul 31, 2024

Welcome to the end of July!

I still don’t have much furniture, but I did buy 25 new plants from Fb Marketplace last week (from software engineers and marketing managers moving to NYC! 😅)I went on my first Waymo ride. Self-driving isn’t a “better” driver. It’s a completely new way of travel, redefining our concepts of trust, privacy and ownership.

I continue to say no to most Zoom invites and therefore I genuinely enjoy the few exceptions.

I say yes to meeting most people in person. The people here have asked better questions and worked on more interesting problems than anywhere else in the world.

I am in Week 2 of testing out Walk the Talk Coaching and each session reinforces that change and transformation happen through:

  1. Movement
  2. In person experiences + in depth conversations
  3. Dedicating space + time to exploring problems, roadblocks, goals.

Regardless of the topics, root causes of problems tend to come back to:

  1. Relationships / Conflict (with investors, managers, direct reports, clients, vendors, romantic partners, ex-partners, children, parents etc.)
  2. Time (not enough, too much, wasting it, missing it etc)
  3. The stories we tell ourselves about all the above.


In other news, I am

  1. Taking standup comedy classes Sunday afternoons at Punchline Comedy - performing on August 25th, reply here if you’d like a free ticket! 🙂
  2. Taking improv comedy classes Tuesday evenings at Endgames. Some weeks I love “going to school” and others I would rather watch TV at home, but I stick to my commitments and show up anyways.

Good comedy, like good coaching, helps people - it makes us feel more understood or opens up new perspectives.

Contrary to popular beliefs, humor is like most other skills: teachable and learnable given enough practice.

If you ever thought about taking a class - go take it.

According to our wonderful teacher Jesse Fernandez, in order to be a good comedian (and I think it translates to most jobs) you need these 3 things:

  1. Time
  2. Intelligence
  3. Effort

Rumor has it, you can even get away with only having 2. 🤫

Till August,


(with 3 out of 25 plants and a mattress on the floor below 💫)

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