May 27, 2024

"Are you going to NewYorkTechWeek?"

"No, I decided to put up with the fomo and visit my grandparents instead."

I have spent the year so far visiting clients from Jersey City to Redwood City, conferences from Austin to Miami, events in LA, SF, Berlin... and decided to stay in Europe for the rest of June before staying put for a bit in California.

Sitting and walking with my grandparents (and a very few select childhood friends) in Budapest has felt more out of my comfort zone than American tech conferences.

My life "there" barely exists here.

My stories of my new home are not very relatable in my old home.

Time slows down as I seek to understand more than I seek being understood.

I spend days asking questions and listening to history - personal stories of wars, revolutions, genocide, wrapped around marriages, divorces, birth, death... *life.*

Time + attention = our most precious resources.

Spending it IRL with people cannot be replaced by phone and video calls.

Presence + energy create connection.

We usually talk for minutes on the phone, but spend hours sitting next to each other listening, speaking, remembering, growing...

👀 y'all at SF and LA Tech Weeks. And if you are lucky enough to have grandparents who are alive, ask them *as many* questions as you would from your clients.

Work-life balance is dedicating time + attention equally to all those who matter in work & life.

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