Jul 11, 2024

I am listening to The Diary Of A CEO with my morning coffee, planning my walking coaching series and company workshops.

All IRL.

I am in a new home, new phase of my business, going through growth and transformation, so naturally my brain starts looking for reasons why nothing will work, I should just stop working, or get a job, even better kick my feet up and never leave the house again.

I quickly realize this is shitty advice, but it’s what the “primitive brain” is programmed to do: minimize effort, maximize calories, take no risks. 🧠🙄

My pre-frontal cortex snaps back into action right when Scott Galloway declares that “nothing really wonderful is going to happen to you inside your home on the screen.” 👀

This is the perfect place and time to combine what I love most: working, walking, coaching, improv, breathwork. irl irl irl. 🍀

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