Jul 3, 2024

Helloooo from San Francisco!

We were all looking forward to the day when my Melania Trump standup material will no longer be relevant… but here we are.

I officially wrapped my 15-months of digital nomading journey.

I have toured the fine nations of Germany, France, Switzerland (pic below,) the UK, Dubai and some others you cannot place on the map and have concluded that the United States is still the greatest place on earth.

A week before I left Europe, the Paris airport hotel staff asked me whether I am a supermodel.  

In the past, that only happened in the “fat states.”

Never in fashionable cities.

I might have officially made it.

With nothing left to reach for, after I wrapped my last recruitment assignment, I think I stopped crushing it to 100% so I took time off in June (something I have not done in the last 2 years) until I was able to crush it again to my usual standards in our beloved 50 loosely united states.

I did come prepared: I got engaged this year, just in case…

I can only be single during non-Trump presidencies, before the liberal men distance themselves from the Donald and stop wearing red hats, eating McDonalds or marrying Eastern European women.

I too watched what was titled “THE Presidential Debate” last week, the

prime-time entertainment of “the decaying West.” Rachel Maddow’s “watch what they do, not what they say” remains my mantra… Can you really be anti-immigration when 2 out of your 3 wives are from where I am from…?!

Having spent the past decade recruiting for jobs seemingly much less important, when I look at the Resumes and interview performance of these candidates, my first question inevitably is - is this job needed?

If this were a role that a company paid me to fill and I would bring forward two white men who were both born in the Tristate Area in the 1940s to represent 333.3 million diverse citizens… they would send me back to present a diverse slate of candidates, and if none are found, we would put the role on hold.

Btw, do you know who the president of Switzerland is?

Me neither…

It’s the highest functioning country.

OK, enough about Joe and Donald and more about ME.

I’m currently staying in the absolutely stunning neighborhood of Presidio that a wonderful couple from the Summit community lent us as our landing pad.

It’s day 3 and the long morning and evening walks, surrounded by giant trees (top pic) and ocean views help beat the jet lag more than any pills can.

I continue to follow the light.

I am designing a whole new line of work which I will share after the long weekend.

I am looking for the forever home, jk, a yearlong lease - which kind of seems like forever with my recent track record.

I am back, kicking off the second half of 2024 - and when I am not answering questions about whether I am from where Melania is from, I am continuing to

Mindfully Transform.

I am launching this weekly newsletter series to share more about my new home, work, community and the importance of controlling what we can.

Hence I will not focus on the elections more than I find it necessary and/or hilarious.

Whichever comes first…

I am meditating, walking, writing, interviewing, coaching, hosting, connecting.

I am a forever optimist: this is the best time to be alive because it is THE time when we are alive.

I moved back, because the point of democracy (unlike a dictatorship) is not to have perfect candidates or presidents, but to be able to switch them every 4 to 8 years, make fun of them and know that they do not run our lives.

We do.

It is our actions, not our thoughts, that will define us.

And that is what I will continue to focus on.

Enjoy your Independence (day!)

Yours truly,


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