May 21, 2024

Just hosted a Mindfulness Session for the team at VSC, the best PR/Comms shop for tech startups (that I know of.)

This industry, and VSC and VSC Ventures have some of the best talent - they care about their clients, their work, the media, the world...

And that world today can be emotionally heavy to navigate.

Working remotely and having a well-paid full-time job and supportive team is a huge privilege, but one that also comes with many challenges including feelings of isolation, loneliness, stress... we all feel from time to time.

I am so grateful to be able to guide incredible group of talent through meditation, stretching and journaling sessions.

Taking people from "tired, exhausted, anxious" to "relieved, peaceful, joyful" in 40 minutes is not a testament to me, but to the power of this practice, most importantly: committing the time and space. Everything else flows.

Thank you to the leadership of Anne Sophie Hurst Maggie Philbin Eric Gonzalez Vijay Chattha, for organizing and championing these sessions Merrita Llarena Villa and the entire team for showing up & bringing their whole selves.




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