Jul 17, 2024

I thought a lot about how I want to spend my time in San Francisco.

Given that my life and work are completely intertwined and inspire each other, the following came out on top:

1. IRL with leaders who live in or visit San Francisco (I define leader as someone who leads, whether that is a company, a team, a family or an idea. Leadership is a mindset and it is about ownership over your own life and work and choices.)

2. 1:1 walks outside with meaningful conversations

3. Workshops (purposeful group activities centered around growth in work and life like improv theater, meditation, yoga.)

I made it my mission to make work fun by following curiosity, pursuing being great at what I do and finding joy in the company around.

Over the last decade, I saw why people got or didn't get jobs, who got promoted or laid off, poached... the people who became the most "successful" and "happy" long-term were present, resilient and pivoted quickly.

They wrote their own stories and what the world "did to them" remained circumstances.

We can wait for the perfect moment to come when we can finally change, or we can just start now...

Presence and resilience are something we have to practice, constantly. So is the ability to solve problems, most often through uniting people.

They determine success.

What helps to get there:

1. Focus on present: where you physically are

2. Connection (to self + others around)

3. Routine (The "Best Talent" I have met tends to be bullish on their diet, sleep, wakeup rituals, and beyond, but are not overly rigid about it)

Work can be more fun through not cheap distractions (like happy hours, vacation, promotions) but digging deeper into where the discontentment and disconnection lie that lead to stress, decreased productivity.

That is what my work focuses on: coaching over a 30-45 minute walk to get exercise, fresh air, fresh perspectives, solve problems, and walk the talk.

Interested? I'm offering 100 free sessions! Please feel free to share with anyone local if you're not here!



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