Jul 16, 2024

Unfollowing is a beautiful action.

Whenever I see an unsubscriber from my LinkedIn or newsletter, it almost fills me with as much joy as a new subscriber - knowing who we are "not for" is as critical as knowing we are "for" (and it surprisingly not only came from my ex-husband who has become a distant 2nd connection on LinkedIn. O tempora, o mores! 😂 )

We have to be intentional with who and what we pay attention to.

Unfollowing topics, people, old belief systems, societal "expectations" with intention = the BEST self-care you can start with TODAY.

I always encourage everyone to spend their time where it is most impactful.

To me, it's best spent finding the people we belong with, where we grow and add value.

It only works when we don't spend much time in environments that drain us, consuming information that exhaust us or trying to convince other people to change who they are and what they do.

The only thing we CAN change is our own selves and actions. Lead by example.

So please hit the unfollow or unsubscribe button as often as you need to, in order to read and hear information from people who inspire you to achieve your goals.

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